Two-Factor Authentication

Updated 4/19/23

Multi-factor authentication is a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity. A computer user is granted only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism. 

Within Credly, individual badge earners may enable Two Factor Authentication within their account. This is an earner-initiated action at this time.

Two menus, one showing how to navigate to settings for the earner, and the second specifically to the privacy and security tab in settings

  • Earners can enable Two Factor Authentication by logging into their Credly account and selecting Settings.
  • Earners will then select the Privacy + Security tab on the left navigation bar.a view of the two factor field where an earner can select this as a requirement
  • Earners will select the check-box related to Two Factor Authentication.a view of the two factor field where an earner can toggle this as a requirement
  • Earners will then be prompted to download the Google Authenticator app.
  • Please note: Earners may use any mobile application with the ability to scan a QR code. The Credly platform will automatically authenticate whether the application being used is compatible.a view of the QR code generated as part of the two factor authentication setup
  • Once Two Factor Authentication has been enabled, earners will be prompted to input an authorization code. 
  • Earners will retrieve this code by accessing the authentication application they just downloaded and scanning the barcode.
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