Why am I receiving an error when I bulk issue badges?

Updated 4/19/23

There are two types of errors that can occur when bulk issuing your organization’s badges:

  1. File encoding errors
  2. Validation errors

File Encoding Errors

After selecting the CSV you’d like to upload, the platform will detect the file’s encoding. If it’s unable to automatically detect the file’s encoding, you’ll be prompted with the following error message:

Example of an error report in the platform, asking the issuer to make a decision about encoding.


This error typically occurs if there are any special or double byte characters in the file. If prompted, choose the correct file encoding by comparing the highlighted line(s) in the error message to the same line in your CSV file. If none are correct, click “Show Additional Encodings”.

Click “Next” to validate and issue your file.

Validation Errors

In order to bulk issue badges, you must use the “Bulk Issue Template” CSV template that is available for download. If you do not utilize this template file or if you change the template’s formatting, you will run into a validation error. The error is presented in a bright red fashion (not subtle, we know).

Example of an error report where the file contains the only the header and no data

These errors are presented after your file’s encoding has been successfully detected. 

Common Validation Errors:

  1. Blank file contents
  2. Incorrect CSV headers
  3. Badge template is unavailable
  4. Blank required fields
  5. Invalid recipient email
  6. Invalid date formatting and errors
  7. Invalid country name
  8. Evidence formatting errors
  9. File exceeds badge maximum
  10. Duplicate Badge

Blank File Contents

  • Cause: If you attempt to upload a file without any earner information, you will be prompted with this error.
  • Solution: Update your file with earner data and re-upload your csv file.

Incorrect CSV Headers

  • Cause: In order to upload your bulk issuance file, all template headers must remain intact and unchanged from the downloaded CSV template.
  • Solution: Update your file with the appropriate headers.

Badge Template is Unavailable

  • Cause: You may only issue badge templates that are published. If you attempt to issue a draft template or the template ID is incorrect you will receive this error.
  • Solution: Publish the badge you want to issue and/or update the badge template ID in your CSV file.

Blank Required Fields

  • Cause: In order to issue a badge you must include an earner’s first name, last name, email address, and date issued. If this is not included you will receive this error.
  • Solution: Update your file accordingly and re-upload to the platform.

Invalid Recipient Email

  • Cause: Email formatting is incorrect.
  • Solution: Update your file with the appropriate email and re-upload to the platform. 

Invalid Date - Formatting

  • Cause: All dates must be in the M/D/Y format
  • Solution: Update your file with the appropriate date format and re-upload the CSV to the platform.

Invalid Date - Errors

  • Cause: The “Issued at” date may not be more than 2 years in the future. The expiration date may not be before the issued at date.
  • Solution: Update your file with the appropriate dates and re-upload the CSV to the platform.

Invalid Country Name

  • Cause: In order to include this optional field, you must use the country name as specified in ISO 3166
  • Solution: Update your file with the country and re-upload the CSV to the platform.

Evidence Formatting Errors

  • Cause: If including URL or text evidence, you must include information in the following necessary fields:
    • URL - evidence name, evidence URL, URL evidence description
    • Text - text evidence title, text evidence description
  • Solution: Update your file accordingly and re-upload the CSV to the platform.

File Exceeds Badge Maximum

  • Cause: An organization administrator may only issue up to 5,000 badges at a time. If your file exceeds this total, you will receive this error.
  • Solution: Separate your file so that the total rows equal 5,001 or less. If you have more than 5,000 earners you can upload one CSV at a time.



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