What do I do when an earner says that haven't received their badge?

Updated 5/30/24

When an earner contacts you about a missing badge, we recommend that you first verify they have earned the badge through your organization’s database. If you find they did earn the badge and it was issued, your first line of action might be to resend the notification (and tell them to check SPAM).

  • Select "Badges" on the left
  • Select “Earners” from top navigation
  • Enter in the name or email of the earner
  • Select the badge you want to replace.
  • On this screen, select Resend Notification

There could be a problem with the email. For example, there could be a typo error or the earner may no longer have access to the email address that the badge was issued to. If this is the case, and the badge is still in pending status, you can simply “Replace” the badge to a new email address.

  • Select "Badges" on the left
  • Select “Earners” from top navigation
  • Enter in the name or email of the earner
  • Select the badge you want to replace.
  • Select Replace
  • Change the email on the form that displays
  • Click Replace at the bottom

Incorrect Email - Accepted Badge Status

If an earner no longer has access to an email that they once used to accept your organization’s badge, we recommend taking the following steps:

  • The earner can merge both of their accounts to have all of their badges in one place. For detailed instructions, check out this help desk article.
  • You can also verify that the earner successfully earned the badge and revoke and issue the same badge to the updated email.

To revoke and issue a badge to an updated email, please see the following instructions:

  • Select "Badges" on the left
  • Select “Earners” from top navigation
  • Enter in the name or email of the earner
  • Select the badge you want to revoke.
  • Select Revoke
  • Give a reason for the revocation and confirm with Revoke.

Now that the badge is revoked, you will need to issue the same badge to a new email.

For questions regarding account and platform support, we offer first-tier support Monday through Friday. Our earner help center is located here.

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