What can cause low acceptance rate? How can we impact the acceptance rate?

Updated 4/19/23

What causes low acceptance rates?

  • Earners do not understand the relationship between issuing organization and Credly
  • Earners do not want to create an additional account
  • Earners were unaware of the credential program transitioning to a digital format
  • Earners create an account but never go back to confirm it
  • Earners do not yet understand the value of digital credentials
  • Data includes email addresses that are no longer valid or in use

Ways to increase your acceptance rate:

  • Send a post-launch survey to earners to understand if there are any trending reasons why people didn’t accept their badges
  • Send additional communication and marketing pieces to earners in a pending state after the automatic Credly reminder cycle completes
  • Highlight the value of Credly via your marketing landing page
  • Ensure that data (email addresses) are accurate and up-to-date prior to launch

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