What’s the difference between Recommendations, Related Badges and all the other badges suggested to earners on their dashboard?
The recommendations feature allows an issuer to make targeted recommendations based on a specific badge template, and that may go beyond earning the next badge. For example, badges might include information about registering for a conference, or how to share to LinkedIn. Only the earner sees recommendations.
Related badges are also controlled by the issuer and can serve up similar badges within their program. It’s a little like a forced Netflix experience. “If you liked this badge, you might like the next one.” Related badges display to everyone. They only display badges from the same issuer.
When an earner first logs into the platform, he or she might see suggestions for badges that match the skills in previously earned badges. The algorithm pulls badges from other programs across our network with similar skills. Right now, it can only include badge templates that include the “earn this badge” information.