Now you can celebrate earners easily when viewing their public badge. (You must be logged in for this feature.)
We have a "Celebrate" button on public badge share pages. Only Credly users can give recognition.
Note: If you're just a visitor on Credly and do not have an account registered, you will be asked to create an account in order to utilize this feature. If have an account, but aren't signed in and select the "Celebrate" button, you will be asked to log in.
As a logged in Credly user, when you select the “Celebrate” option, a burst of Credfetti will appear. You will then see an option to "Undo" if you selected this option by mistake. Issuers and earners can celebrate others!
Credly will send a one time email 3-4 weeks post launch that will be triggered to users who have received a celebration. The email will display the badges that received a celebration.
Note: If an earner does not want to receive the weekly summers after the post launch email, they have the option under Settings > Notifications to stop receiving badge activity emails. They can toggle off the option to "Send Me Summary Reports about my account activity"
Viewing Badges as an Earner
When visiting their own private badge page for the first time after recognition, Credly will burst “Credfetti” at the top of the page. Additionally, the earner will see the total number of people who have celebrated their achievement.
Selecting the link will pop open a modal displaying a list of Celebrators.